Event Details

Big Splash!

Registration is now closed but don't let this stop you from getting baptized if the Spirit leads. Just show up tomorrow and come to the "Walk-in" table near the small theater!

During the Sunday, August 25th, 9:15am and 11:00am services, we'll celebrate those who make the decision to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior with a Big Splash Sunday. All are welcome, adults and students—first-timers or re-baptisms!

It’s a big decision. Think about it. And when ready, we're here to take that step with you. If you know in advance, go ahead and register now. If you're not sure, but you decide "in the moment," we'll be ready with a change of clothes!

If you have any additional questions please email Paul Wilkens Paul.Wilkens@southbrook.org or Baptisms@southbrook.org. 

SouthBrook Miamisburg Campus

Steve Holt
(937) 435-9966

SouthBrook Main Theater

Date / Time

Registration for Big Splash closed on Saturday, August 24, 2024

Registration for Baptism Orientation Class closed on Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Registration for Baptism Orientation August 21, 2024 closed on Wednesday, August 21, 2024